The Candidate Search tool enables easy searching by combining field and full resume text search from an easy to use form. You can apply different types of searches via the tool:
- Basic Search: Provides the most commonly used criteria such as keywords (comma-separated & Boolean), work-experience, location, qualifications, personal details, date of birth etc.
- Job Functions: Allows search based on functional domains and job role classification
- Advanced Search: More refined searches on specific collections, candidate recruitment status, user-defined fields, cover information apart from allowing control of the details in the results.
Using Candidate Search enables the most effective and efficient use of your internal resume data while reducing the dependence on external sources such as Job Boards.
Talenture RS SmartSuggest technology provides relevant keyword suggestions that are conceptually related to what you are typing. SmartSuggest also learns new keywords typed by users that it already “does not know”.
Also, since the Candidate Search is launched in an independent page of Talenture RS you can do resource intensive mining of your internal database in parallel with other recruitment tasks in the main Workbench window.
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