Email communication with candidates is integrated with the recruitment process in Talenture RS. You can send both common (‘Bcc’) mails to multiple candidates as well as generate personalized mail in bulk.
Rich-text template based email generation model helps you implement common standards throughout your team.
The ‘Communicate with Candidates’ option is available in multiple modules/screens such as Jobs, Candidates Added/Refreshed, Candidate Search etc. for immediate sending of email.
A large library of predefined rich-text parameterized email & SMS templates are available to simplify interactions with candidates & business collaborators. You modify these as per your requirements, create copies of existing or add you own.
SMS Communication
Talenture RS also supports sending Short Messaging Services (SMS) messages via the application. This functionality integrates SMS directly with the recruitment process providing another medium of quick communication with candidate for notifying new positions, interview schedules, request for confirmation etc.
SMS can be sent from multiple modules/screens in Talenture RS such as candidate list views, candidate search, Job views etc.
Common Tasks
- Sending a common mail to multiple candidates
- Sending a personalized mail to multiple candidates
1. Sending a common mail to multiple candidates
You can send mail to candidates from multiple screens such as 'Candidates->Added/Refreshed' under 'Public->Activity Views', Candidate list for a Job, Candidate Search result etc. or from the 'Adv. Candidate Manager (Public) module.
In 'Candidates->Added/Refreshed' under Public->Activity Views':
- Tick the candidates to whom email is to be sent (max. of 25 per batch).
- Point to 'Actions' menu and select 'Communicate with Candidates'.
In the 'Adv. Candidate Manager (Pub.) module:
- Tick the candidates to whom email is to be sent (max. of 25 per batch).
- Point to 'Tools' menu and select 'Communicate with Candidates'.
- If the "Validate Contact Details" dialog comes up check the details and click on "Mark Valid".
- In the 'Communicate with Candidate' dialog from the 'Mail Type' drop-down, select 'Generate common mail for recipients'.
- In the 'Communicate with Candidate' dialog from the 'Template' drop-down, select the email template desired.
- From the 'Action' drop-down select the mail generation option and click OK.
2. Sending a personalized mail to multiple candidates
You can send mail to candidates from multiple screens such as 'Candidates->Added/Refreshed' under 'Public->Activity Views', Candidate list for a Job, Candidate Search result etc. or from the 'Adv. Candidate Manager (Public) module.
In 'Candidates->Added/Refreshed' under Public->Activity Views':
- Tick the candidates to whom email is to be sent (max. of 25 per batch).
- Point to 'Actions' menu and select 'Communicate with Candidates'.
In the 'Adv. Candidate Manager (Pub.) module:
- Tick the candidates to whom email is to be sent (max. of 25 per batch).
- Point to 'Tools' menu and select 'Communicate with Candidates'.
- If the "Validate Contact Details" dialog comes up check the details and click on "Mark Valid".
- In the 'Communicate with Candidate' dialog from the 'Mail Typer' drop-down, select 'Generate personalized mail for all recipients'.
- In the 'Communicate with Candidate' dialog from the 'Template' drop-down, select the email template desired.
- From the 'Action' drop-down select the mail generation option and click OK.
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