A Job in Talenture RS describes a job requirement/position. This corresponds to a Job Description (JD) in recruiting terms. All work on a client requirement happens in the context of a Job.
A Job includes the following details about a job requirement:
- General Information: Template name and description, whether private/public. Position information including client/requester, position name, location, priority, Turn Around Time(TAT), Recruitment Team etc.
- Requirements: Detailed position requirements, as in a standard Job Description (J.D). This may include educational qualifications, skill set related keywords, work experience, CTC range etc.
- Additional Information: Here you can store additional position information which you may be tracking via User Defined Fields as well as documents related to the job requirement.
These documents can be filed under different categories e.g. domain related, screening formats to be used etc.
- Roles: Recruiters assigned to specific roles such as Owner, Data Sourcing, Client Interfacing etc. in case of Maxima workflow or Recruiter (Candidate Interfacing) role in case of Basic workflow. These roles can be changed when you actually create a Job based on the template.
- Master Details: Information about the Job Workflow and Job related Files attached with the Job.
Jobs have multiple states in Talenture RS
- Draft: Jobs created by you that are currently in Draft state i.e. where you have not finalized all details related to the job so that it can be sent for processing.
- Pending Approval: Job sent to senior management for approval
- Approved: Job approved by senior management which is to be activated.
- Active: Jobs in progress that are being worked on by you or by your team.
- Closed: Jobs that have been closed by you after completion of work on the job.
- Cancelled: Jobs that have been cancelled typically before work was completed on them. For e.g. jobs cancelled from the client-side, put-on-hold etc.
The Job object enables provides a single place for maintaining job information, doing work assignment, track all work on it and maintain history of the work done.
The Job object captures all details related to a job requirement including: job details, client and contact person, skill requirements, work roles assigned to recruiters.
Related functionalities
- Client: A Job is linked to a Client object containing details of the client company from whom the requirement was received.
- Contact: It is also linked with the Contact object (via the ‘Requester’ field) which contains details of the HR contact at the client company side who would be the point-of-contact when working on the position.
Job Templates: You can use job templates for common job requirements that your team works on to speed up the Job creation process. Talenture RS comes with a library of common Job templates.
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