Talenture RS provides settings for customizing submission of candidate resumes to clients to enable professional submittals aligned with client requirements and policies while eliminating manual effort in such repetitive activities.
These include:
- Auto-renaming: Automatically renames resume files of submitted candidates with meaning names. You can create naming formats having various elements such as candidate name, employment, qualification, location details or even your own user-defined fields.
Custom file naming templates can be created via the Administrative login.
- Auto File Format Conversion: You can set the format in which resumes should be submitted to a client for e.g. Doc, PDF etc. Once set for a client Talenture RS will auto-convert to the specified format when submitting candidates.
These file settings for submissions are done on a per-client basis via the Client details screen.
Common Tasks
- Set file format for candidate submittal
- Set file naming format for candidate submittal
- Enable Trail Mail for candidate submittal
1. Set file format for candidate submittal
To enable automatic conversion of resume format when sending to the client:
- In main Workbench, expand 'Business Relationships' data folder, expand 'Clients' under it and click on 'Current'.
- From list pane click the client name for whom to make this setting
- In detail page of client from 'Format to Forward' drop-down select the desired file format from 'Doc', 'PDF' or 'Original'. Selecting 'Original' will submit resumes in the format in which they were received from candidates.
- Click 'Update'.
2. Set file naming format for candidate submittal
To enable automatic setting of a friendly/meaningful resume file name for client submittals
- In main Workbench, expand 'Business Relationships' data folder, expand 'Clients' under it and click on 'Current'.
- From list pane click the client name for whom to make this setting
- In detail page of client from 'File Naming Format to Use' drop-down select the desired file naming template. Note that you can create your own custom file naming formats from the Administrator login.
Please refer to this <task-link> for details on doing this.
- Click 'Update'.
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