You can use the SMS templates functionality for creating pre-defined SMS formats for common types of messages sent frequently such as messages announcing job openings, birthday greetings, request for updated resumes from candidates, etc.
Templates enable quickly generating standardized messages while eliminating mistakes.
Talenture RS supports dynamic content in SMS templates by allowing you to embed parameter tags which get replaced with actual values when the message is generated. A wide array of Client/Job related, candidate related or user-defined parameters can be embedded in templates.
Common Tasks
- Create an new SMS template
- Create a copy of an existing template
1. Create an new SMS template
Follow these steps from a user login having administrator privileges:
- Point to the Tools menu and select 'System Configuration'.
- In the 'System Configuration' Navigator, expand 'SMS' and click on the 'Templates' data view.
- On the right pane, from the File menu select 'New'. The New SMS Template page will come up.
- In the Group drop-down, select 'To Candidates (Addressed to Candidates)'.
- In the Sub Group drop-down, select 'Interview Scheduling, Position Offer, Acceptance'.
- In the Type drop-down, select Intimation Regarding Scheduling of Interview'.
- Enter a name for the template in 'Name'.
- Enter an optional description in 'Description'.
- In the Addr Type drop-down select 'Personalized Message'
- Enter the subject content in the 'Subject' field.
- Type the message body content.
For each point in the message where you want a candidate/position related value to be inserted automatically do the following:
- Position the mouse cursor at the spot in the message body and then from the Parameter drop-down just above the message body box select the parameter corresponding to the value.
- Click on the Add Parameter link adjacent to the drop-down.
- Repeat the above 2 steps for each value to insert automatically.
- Once done, click on the 'Save' button.
2. Create a copy of an existing template
Follow these steps from a user login having administrator privileges:
- Point to the Tools menu and select 'System Configuration'.
- In the 'System Configuration' Navigator, expand 'SMS' and click on the 'Templates' data view.
- On the right pane, the list of existing SMS templates will be displayed. Click on the name of the template to copy.
- In the detail page, point to the 'Template' menu and select 'Copy As'. In the dialog that comes up enter a name for the copy and click OK.
- Now in the list of SMS templates the copy will also be shown or just apply filter on the Template Name column to locate the copy you created.
- Now you can open the copy, make the desired changes and save it.
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