Talenture RS provides dedicated invoice views in the Workbench to track and manage your invoicing process. Accounting persons within the team can access these for invoicing reports including:
- Invoices Pending: Invoices still pending to be generated
- Generated Invoices: Shows dispatch with collection status
- Cancelled Invoices: Invoices cancelled due to wrong figures, mistakes etc.
Use these views to easily view pending invoices, generate an invoice, collect payments etc. You can also use these views for generating invoice status report and export it to MS Excel.
Common Tasks
- View invoices pending generation
- Generate an invoice
- Cancel an invoice
- Email an invoice
- Track payments on an invoice
1. View invoices pending generation
- In main Workbench, expand 'Invoices' data folder and click on 'Pending Generation'.
- The right-pane will display list of all invoices pending generation.
2. Generate an invoice
- In main Workbench, expand 'Invoices' data folder and click on 'Pending Generation'.
- The right-pane will display list of all invoices pending generation.
- Tick next to one or more candidate rows for which to generate the invoice, point to 'Actions' and select 'Generate Invoice'.
- In the 'Invoice Template' dialog that comes up,
- In the 'Invoicing type' dialog, select 'Generate One Invoice Per Candidate' if a separate invoice should be generated for each selected candidate or select 'Generate Invoice with Multiple Candidates' if a cumulative invoice should be generated for all selected candidates.
- In the 'Invoice Template' drop-down, select the Invoice Template (this is defined via the Administrator login).
- Click OK.
3. Cancel an invoice
- In main Workbench, expand 'Invoices' data folder and click on 'Generated Invoices'.
- The right-pane will display list of all generated invoices.
- Tick next to one or more invoices that you want to cancel, point to 'Actions' and select 'Cancel Invoice'.
- In the 'Cancel Invoice' dialog that comes up, specify the reason for cancellation.
- Click OK. The invoice will be moved to the 'Cancelled Invoices' view.
4. Email an invoice
- In main Workbench, expand 'Invoices' data folder and click on 'Generated Invoices'.
- The right-pane will display list of all generated invoices.
- Tick next to the invoice to email, point to 'Actions' and select 'Forward Invoice in Email'.
- In the dialog that comes up, select the email template to use for generating the email from the 'Template' drop-down.
- Click OK.
5. Track payments on an invoice
- In main Workbench, expand 'Invoices' data folder and click on 'Generated Invoices'.
- The right-pane will display list of all generated invoices.
- Tick next to the invoice for which to track payment, point to 'Actions' and select 'Collect Invoice'.
- In the 'Collect Invoice' dialog that comes up, specify the amount collected in 'Amount Received'.
- In 'Comments' enter details of the payment received such as cheque no., bank details etc.
- Click OK.
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