This document explains how to fix blocking of the PSAN Outlook Addin by Anti-Virus software.
This may be required sometimes when Anti-Virus software such as McAfee, Kaspersky, Symantec etc. installed on a computer may block the functioning of the PSAN Outlook Addin due to enhanced security settings.
1. Process
Carry out the following steps to fix blocking of the PSAN Outlook Addin by Anti-Virus software.
1.0 Launch the Anti-Virus software that is installed on your computer. Note that you may require administrative privileges to access the Anti-Virus software settings.
1.1 In the settings for the Anti-Virus software, navigate to the list of executable files blocked by the software and add the following executables of the PSAN Outlook Addin to the ‘Exceptions’ list that should be excluded from blocking:
Note: Replace <OS-Drive> in the folder paths below with the drive letter of your Operating System (OS) drive partition.
<OS-Drive>\Program Files\Platina\SPVerCommon_8_1\SPOutlookAddIn\AppFiles\ exe
In case you have the 32-bit edition of MS Outlook installed on the computer:
<OS-Drive>\Program Files\Platina\SPVerCommon_8_1\SPOutlookAddIn\AppFiles\ wpoutlookmsgaddin81x86.exe
In case you have the 64-bit edition of MS Outlook installed on the computer:
<OS-Drive>\Program Files\Platina\SPVerCommon_8_1\SPOutlookAddIn\AppFiles\ wpoutlookmsgaddin81x64.exe
1.2 Save the configuration settings in the Anti-Virus software.
1.3 Re-start your computer for the new Anti-Virus software settings to take effect.
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