This document explains how to upgrade your current installation of Google Chrome Browser to the latest version. You may need to do this if you’ve been using Talenture RS with an older version of Chrome due to compatibility issues.
1. Process
Upgrading Chrome Browser to the latest version broadly involves the following steps:
A. Fix permissions on Google Update folder
B. Download Latest Chrome setup
C. Install Latest Chrome Browser
A. Fix permissions on Google\Update folder
1.0 Close all Chrome windows.
1.1 Open the following path on your computer: C:\Program Files\Google
Note that this can be: C:\Program Files(x86)\Google on some machines depending on the Operating System (OS) type.
1.2 Right-click on the “Update” folder, Select Properties, switch to “Security” tab, and Click "Advanced".
1.3 In the opened dialog, click “Change Permissions” button (near the bottom).
a. If “Enable Inheritance” button is enabled, Click on it. If any error dialog comes up, click “Continue”.
b. If “Disable Inheritance” button is enabled, do nothing.
B. Download Latest Chrome setup
2.0 Click on the link below to for downloading latest version of Chrome browser.
C. Install Latest Chrome Browser
3.0 Run the downloaded Chrome setup as Administrator user (right-click on setup file and select “Run as Administrator”).
3.1 In case setup shows any error, close the window and re-run Chrome setup again. Please note that in certain cases you may need to re-run the setup 2-3 times.
3.2 Once Chrome setup is completed, you can start using the Talenture RS application.
4. Related Documents
4.0 How to Setup and Configure PSAN Chrome Extension: Explains how to install the PSAN Chrome Extension.
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