This document explains how to re-enable or re-activate the PSAN Outlook Addin in Microsoft Outlook. This may be required in cases where MS Outlook disables or de-activates the PSAN Addin due to abnormal shutdown of Outlook, security issues etc.
1. Process
Note: The following screenshots and steps have been given for Microsoft Outlook 2010. However, the steps and screens would be similar even in the case of other versions of Outlook such as Outlook 2007, 2013 etc.
1.0 In Outlook click on the ‘File’ menu and select the ‘Options’ section as shown below:
A. Check if Outlook Addin Disabled
1.1 In the ‘Options’ window, in the ‘Manage’ drop-down, select ‘Disabled Items’ and click the ‘Go’ button.
1.2 If the PSAN Addin has been disabled it will appear in the ‘Disabled Items’ dialog that is displayed as shown in the example screenshot below. If it is not displayed in the list then skip to Section B below to check if the Addin is inactive.
Select the PSAN Outlook Addin from the list of disabled items – this will have the name ‘wpoutlookmsgaddincom81.exe’. Then click on the ‘Enable’ button.
1.3 Close Outlook, wait for 5 seconds, then start it again. Now the Addin toolbar should be visible in Outlook. In case it still does not appear in Outlook proceed to the section below.
A. Check if Outlook Addin is Inactive
In case the Addin is not in the disabled list or is not visible in Outlook even after enabling it, then it may have been de-activated by Outlook. In this case perform the following steps:
1.4 In the ‘Options’ window, in the ‘Manage’ drop-down, select ‘COM Add-ins’ and click the ‘Go’ button as shown below.
1.5 Now, in the dialog that comes up, tick next to the ‘PSAN Outlook Addin’ and click ‘OK’.
1.6 Close Outlook and re-start after 5 seconds.
2. Related Documents
2.1. Re-registering PSAN Outlook Addin: Explains how to re-register PSAN Outlook Addin on a machine.
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