This article provides some guidelines for ensuring smooth and uninterrupted functioning of the ResumeInbox feature.
1. Details
1.1. When you forward a high volume of email from multiple email accounts to your ResumeInbox account it will increase the load on your account and will slow down the application for you.
This occurs as a result of automatic backend optimization triggered due to high demand from users. The backend system will then enforce a parsing cycle that will ensure that the higher volume of messages does not choke the parsing module.
So forwarding a high volume of mails to the ResumeInbox will:
- Choke your account & slow down the application for you
- Slow down resume addition for all your users
- Increase database size with "unintended" candidates and you will need to purchase additional disk quota.
Follow the Do’s & Don’ts given below to avoid the above issues.
2. Do’s
2.1 Forward resume containing mails only
Only forward mails which contain resume content. For this, you can setup a rule for forwarding mails containing attachments of the following file extensions which are processed by PSAN to parse resume content:
- Doc/docx
- RTF (Rich Text Format)
2.2. Skip the domains of your banks, etc.
In the forwarding rule that you set up you should also enable skipping of mails received from the email domains of your service providers such as banks, social media groups and other personal mail sources. This will ensure that the ResumeInbox account is not flooded with non-resume mails.
3. Don’ts
3.1 Do not setup a broad rule of sending all mails as it will increase the load on your account, and will slow down the application.
3.2. You should not setup a rule on job boards for forwarding all candidate suggestions to the ResumeInbox account as each job posting typically generates a very high volume of candidate responses which may lead to the choking scenario mentioned earlier.
3.3. Do not setup auto-forwarding on an email account which receives a high volume of messages.
3.4 Do not setup auto-forwarding on an email-id that you’ve published on your website.
3.5 Do not share your ResumeInbox id with anyone outside of your organization as this will lead to the email-id getting a lot of unsolicited email resulting in unnecessary processing for resume content in the back-end.
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