Talenture RS provides the Leads category to manage business lead information during business development for your recruiting services.
This article explains how data is maintained for such business leads, differences between lead and current business objects and how the lead data can be converted to full information.
1. Details
Talenture RS enables you to efficiently track business development activity for your recruiting services by providing 2 categories for storing information regarding your business partners: Lead & Current.
- Lead: A Lead is a prospective partner who you want to track in order to establish a business relationship.
- Current: A Current business entity is an organization or contact with whom you've already established a business relationship e.g. by signing a contract etc.
1.1 Business Objects for Which Leads are Available
You can track lead information for the following types of business objects:
- Clients
- Vendors
- Contacts
You can set the Lead or Current status for a client, vendor or contact using the Status field in the detail page of these objects. Maintain details of business partners and associates at initial or advanced stages of your business development process using this field to categorize leads or established partners.
a. Availability of Lead and Current Objects
Talenture RS maintains Lead and Current business objects separately in the system. Hence, Clients, vendors and contacts marked as Leads are not available for use in Jobs until you convert these to the ‘Current’ status.
1.2 Conversion of Lead Objects
Depending on the stage of your business development cycle you can convert a Lead into a Current business object.
To convert a business object set the Status field in the detail screen of the object to ‘Current’.
Note that conversion of business objects from ‘Lead’ to ‘Current’ is available only to users having the ‘Add/Edit/Delete’ permission on the related business object i.e. Client, Vendor or Contact.
- Assume that you've got the reference of a client ‘Prime Information Systems Ltd.’ requiring recruiting services. Enter this company as a client with type as 'Lead'.
- Once you've established a business relationship with the client e.g. by signing a contract for delivering manpower you can change the type to 'Current' and then create Jobs linked to the client for working on its requirements.
2. Related Resources
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