Talenture RS provides the Work Sharing feature for enabling easy and efficient collaboration among team members.
This article explains key aspects of the work sharing feature, scenarios in which it can be used and its benefits.
1. Details
The Work Sharing feature enables recruiters to collectively work on shared jobs. Once work sharing is enabled in a Job each recruiter with whom it has been shared can access and work on the Job via their logins.
Work sharing can be done in 2 ways:
- Ad-hoc Work Sharing: You can share work on a specific Job among selected recruiters. Talenture RS then enables each of these recruiters to access and work on the Job via their logins.
- Creating Work Sharing Teams: A Work Sharing Team is a named set of users which can be created once for sharing specific roles on a Job among those users. This enables the same set of users to repeatedly work together on multiple job requirements.
a. Benefits
- Repeatable Work Sharing: In the case of Work Sharing Teams, once created, they enable easy sharing of work among same set of recruiters repeatedly.
- Leverage Core Competencies: Make use of available domain, functional or other expertise across teams.
- Optimal Use of Manpower Resources: Enables managers to optimize available resources to drive quality hiring.
1.1 Ad-hoc Work Sharing
To enable ad-hoc work sharing, when you create a Job, then in the Roles section, select multiple recruiters in roles where collaboration is required. For example, you can select multiple users in the ‘Candidate Sourcing’ role, ‘Recruiter (Candidate Interfacing)’ role etc.
To assign multiple users to a given Job Role use the drop-down adjacent to the one for selecting the primary recruiter for each role as shown in screenshot below:
1.2 Work Sharing Teams
Create pre-defined Work Sharing Teams to enable the same set of users to repeatedly work together on multiple job requirements.
Permissions can be set for a team to specify whether its members will have Read or Write access to each others’ work.
a. Work Sharing Team Attributes
A Work Sharing Team includes the following elements:
- Team Name & description: Identifies team name and purpose
- Team Members: Users who are part of the team
- Team Member Access: Whether team members have read or write access to each others’ work.
You can create multiple Work Sharing Teams and assign access rights to team members.
b. Using Work Sharing Teams
When creating a new Job you can share work among a Work Sharing Team by selecting the team using the ‘Select Work Team’ icon next to each role in the Roles section as shown in screenshot below:
c. Work Sharing Across Functional Teams
Talenture RS enables creating Work Sharing Teams across Functional Teams in the organization. So you can create a Work Sharing Team comprising recruiters belonging to different Functional Teams.
For example, organizations can use Work Sharing Teams to group together users from diverse teams for sharing work on certain job requirements which require pooling of their individual expertise.
1. An organization having a small recruitment team size of 5 recruiters that wants the entire team to share work on all job requirements:
- Creates a Work Sharing Team named “All Users Work Sharing Team” to enable all users to share work roles on all requirements.
2. A Finance Recruitment Team that occasionally works on CEO-level positions:
- Creates a Work Sharing Team with the name “Fin-Executive Search Team”.
- The Team includes 1 user from their team and 2 recruiters from the FMCG Recruitment Team specializing in Executive Search.
The screenshot below shows how such a Work Sharing Team can be set up:
1.3 Batch Work Sharing on Active Jobs
You can use the work sharing functionality to share work roles on on-going Jobs via the ‘Share Work’ option. The enables sharing work on multiple active Jobs in one go.
When you select one or more Jobs and use the ‘Share Work’ option you need to specify the following:
- Select one of the existing recruiters assigned to the selected Job(s) whose role(s) you want to share.
- Select the recruiter with whom to share the Job(s).
So the new recruiter is assigned to all roles in the selected Job(s) in which the existing recruiter is already assigned.
This option can be used in the following types of scenarios:
- Work on critical positions is not proceeding in desired pace and you need more users to meet the deadline.
- If some recruiters leave midway when working on Jobs you can quickly share these with other recruiters to ensure work on such Jobs stays on track.
Since work sharing is an integral part of how recruiting happens, systems that can support this way of working deliver the best results. Talenture RS provides the required features to enable your team to get maximum benefits from work sharing.
Work Sharing Teams, ad-hoc work sharing and on-the-fly sharing of job roles empowers optimal sharing within teams and enables highly collaborative work using Talenture RS.
2. Related Resources
- Configuring Work Sharing Teams
- Transfer & Share Work
- Examples and Guidelines for Structuring Teams in Talenture RS
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