
Platina Software

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  • Using Talenture RS Mobile App

    Using Talenture RS Mobile App Mobile App of Talenture RS is a powerful add-on to your Talenture RS implementation which allows users to know the latest status of their work and work on their Jobs, ...

  • Adding Assessments

    We all know a resume isn’t the full picture of a candidate’s skills. That’s why recruiters prefer to use Assessment methods, a way to quickly screen the applicants— whether that’s a specialized ski...

  • Points and Scoring

    Assessments can be of two types, scorable and non-scorable. A scorable assessment is one in which each answer is assigned points, either automatically or manually, and a total score for the candida...

  • Assessments Module

    Introduction Assessment is the systematic basis for making inferences about the learning and development of applicants. Talenture comes with an Integrated Assessments Module which  allo...

  • Question Formats

    Every Assessment have some questions associated with it in a view to assess the skills & knowledge of Candidates. Questions that can be asked from the candidates while taking Assessment tests v...

  • Time and Submission Management

    Assessments are designed in a way that they have a specific time window associated with them. This time frame will decide when to start working on the Assessment, maximum duration for which one ca...

  • Introduction

    Assessments are an essential part of the recruiting process and are used to help employers identify candidates that will be a Good Fit for the job vacancies at their company. Many companies use ass...

  • Header / Footer

    Talenture RS enables you to include your company branding to be automatically inserted in resumes during candidate submittal to clients. You can specify your company logo, company name, tagline, co...

  • Fixing the Merge-Pending Status of Talenture RS Candidate Database

    Summary This document explains how to fix the “Merge Pending” status of the Candidates in Talenture RS database.  The automatic merging of the candidate database may get temporarily disabled in cas...

  • Start Exploring Talenture RS

    Summary This article describes the basic functionality of the Product to enable a new user to begin working with and setting up of their Talenture database. This article will help familiarize the u...